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Do you look at successful people and think “they’re just lucky”?

Now is the time to evaluate what’s holding you back from being your own success story.


Do you look at successful people and think to yourself “they’re just lucky”?

Now is the time to evaluate what’s holding you back from being your own success story.

Time to Create Your Action Steps.

Time to Create Your Battle Plan.

“After years of struggling to find my true power and confidence, I took a leap of faith and decided to rewrite my story. Now, I’m embracing the things that bring me the most passion in life and becoming an absolute beast!”


Time to Create Action Steps.

Time to Create A Battle Plan.

“After years of struggling to find my true power and confidence, I took a leap of faith and decided to rewrite my story. Now, I’m embracing the things that bring me the most passion in life and becoming an absolute beast!”


Meet Michael

High-Performance Business

& Mindset Coach

Michael’s Story

I’m Michael Getz, founder and CEO of Force of Focus. I built this platform and this business solely based on the valuable life experiences that I have learned in an extremely hard way. I dedicated years to not knowing what I was doing and going through trials and tribulations, taking actions that didn’t leave me very successful through the majority of my business. Trying to live the work/life balance routine, just never worked for me because I knew that every step I took forward was going to be met to the extent with the same amount of steps backward. But, over time, I realized that that process wasn’t working for me. I realized that I was doing more harm than good to my own business because I wasn’t 110% focused and prioritizing all the important things in my life. Once I re-prioritized my life and all the actions there-in, I realized I could be 100% more focused on the business actions that I took, just based on that momentum created within my overall life. I focused solely on internal work first, while still maintaining my business consistently and by doing so my business took off and scaled at an alarming rate.

How The Force Came To Be

I was in a place with a lot of abandonment issues and a lot of need for validation. I knew that if I got into tattooing that would give me purpose…that would give me passion in my life..that it would fulfill me, but the reality was because I was so empty inside, it didn’t. It didn’t give me what I thought it would. So, then I became jaded..started to blame tattooing, and just leaned right back into the same bullshit that continuously dug my hole since well before tattooing. That was the drugs…the alcohol…the self-pity… a lot of destruction in my fucking life. But what wound up happening was over time I learned a lot of valuable lessons the hard way, I started to realize that I was just a product of my environment and I accepted that, but I knew I could become a student of the process and so I started educating myself…on my Own Lessons.
Once I realized that, I started documenting all my procedures, processes, and actions that I took. Both mentally, physically, and spiritually to know that I could continuously rinse and repeat that process. I was reverse engineering each goal to be able to apply the lessons that I had already learned so that I had a Battle Plan to know what it was I could overcome and what it was that I potentially would have to face. I’m a firm believer that if anything were to happen in my life, I could consistently create the same momentum to not only get everything back but scale again with the Force of Focus.
With those experiences, I created the Force of Focus because I realized that a lot of other artists felt similar struggles that I had gone through. Although it may not be bullet point exact, there are a lot of things that all of us deal with whether it is self-doubt, self-pity, a lack of appreciation for what it is that we are doing, or destruction in our fucking lives, or bad relationships, or even a negative mind and body connection, you name it. We all go through it. And I have been there too.

What The Force Can Do For You

I train you how to prioritize your mental, your physical, your creativity, your knowledge, your business, your relationships, and your health, so you know you are running on All Cylinders. Your business has this chance to not only be sustainable but also thrive consistently. This is not a cookie-cutter program. It is very individualized for each person that I work with so whatever you’re struggling to get through…We Can Address It…We Can Adjust It…We Can Audit It.  And, we can take off knowing that we are going to be able to change your life in astronomical ways to positively impact your business.
Having the ability to help so many other creative entrepreneurs was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Now I no longer feel abandoned, I no longer need validation, I’m fulfilled, I have purpose, and now I can help other people overcome the obstacles that they face in a much more timely fashion so they don’t have to feel the same pain that I did over all those god damn years. 

Michael’s Story

I’m Michael Getz, founder and CEO of Force of Focus. I built this platform and this business solely based on the valuable life experiences that I have learned in an extremely hard way. I dedicated years to not knowing what I was doing and going through trials and tribulations, taking actions that didn’t leave me very successful through the majority of my business. Trying to live the work/life balance routine, just never worked for me because I knew that every step I took forward was going to be met to the extent with the same amount of steps backward.
But, over time, I realized that that process wasn’t working for me. I realized that I was doing more harm than good to my own business because I wasn’t 110% focused and prioritizing all the important things in my life. Once I re-prioritized my life and all the actions there-in, I realized I could be 100% more focused on the business actions that I took, just based on that momentum created within my overall life. I focused solely on internal work first, while still maintaining my business consistently and by doing so my business took off and scaled at an alarming rate.

How The Force

Came To Be

I was in a place with a lot of abandonment issues and a lot of need for validation. I knew that if I got into tattooing that would give me purpose…that would give me passion in my life..that it would fulfill me, but the reality was because I was so empty inside, it didn’t. It didn’t give me what I thought it would. So, then I became jaded..started to blame tattooing, and just leaned right back into the same bullshit that continuously dug my hole since well before tattooing. That was the drugs…the alcohol…the self-pity… a lot of destruction in my fucking life. But what wound up happening was over time I learned a lot of valuable lessons the hard way, I started to realize that I was just a product of my environment and I accepted that, but I knew I could become a student of the process and so I started educating myself…on my Own Lessons.
Once I realized that, I started documenting all my procedures, processes, and actions that I took. Both mentally, physically, and spiritually to know that I could continuously rinse and repeat that process. I was reverse engineering each goal to be able to apply the lessons that I had already learned so that I had a Battle Plan to know what it was I could overcome and what it was that I potentially would have to face. I’m a firm believer that if anything were to happen in my life, I could consistently create the same momentum to not only get everything back but scale again with the Force of Focus.
With those experiences, I created the Force of Focus because I realized that a lot of other artists felt similar struggles that I had gone through. Although it may not be bullet point exact, there are a lot of things that all of us deal with whether it is self-doubt, self-pity, a lack of appreciation for what it is that we are doing, or destruction in our fucking lives, or bad relationships, or even a negative mind and body connection, you name it. We all go through it…
…And I have been there too.

What The Force

Can Do For You

I train you how to prioritize your mental, your physical, your creativity, your knowledge, your business, your relationships, and your health, so you know you are running on All Cylinders. Your business has this chance to not only be sustainable but also thrive consistently. This is not a cookie-cutter program. It’s very individualized for each person that I work with so whatever you’re struggling to get through…We Can Address It…We Can Adjust It…We Can Audit It.  And, we can take off knowing that we are going to be able to change your life in astronomical ways to positively impact your business.
Having the ability to help so many other creative entrepreneurs was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Now, I no longer have feelings of abandonment, I no longer need anyone else’s validation, I’m fulfilled, I have a purpose. And, now I can help other people overcome the obstacles that they face in a much more timely fashion so they don’t have to feel the same pain that I did over all those god damn years. 

What People Are Saying

"Micheal helped me see some things in a different perspective, and really gave me a lot to think about. With his help we were able to create some different goals to help me in different areas of my life. I cannot wait to take what I've learned and apply it in my every day life."

Kara B. | Online Business Manager

"This dude has been pivotal for my career. After three months, he gave me the tools to be successful. Things that used to really bother me and get to me, no longer affect me. I am now able to handle a lot bigger things with gratitude."

Kevin T. | Tattoo Artist
Live with Passion & Fulfillment
Copyright © 2024 Force of Focus. All Rights Reserved.


Des Moines, Iowa
Hollywood, California

Live with Passion & Fulfillment

Des Moines, Iowa

Hollywood, California

[email protected]

Copyright © 2024 Force of Focus. All Rights Reserved.